I got an itch this past weekend to clean out a certain closet. It’s that ‘special closet’ where you put things when you don’t really know where else to put them. Come on…admit it…you have one of those closets too…and probably a drawer or two just like it. Mine would make Fibber McGee and Molly’s closet look organized!
These closets of ours are full of stuff. Stuff we haven’t seen or used in years. In fact, truth be told, you probably couldn’t name five specific things that reside in them. Well I couldn’t remember all the stuff that was in my closet either. I figured if I couldn’t name what I had packed away in there, I must not need it very badly. So…with boxes and trash sacks in hand, I opened the door….
I found all kinds of things I had forgotten about. An ancient racquetball racquet that was beyond repair, a box of single socks (in hopes the mates would be found and reunited perhaps?), old puzzles that I’ll never put together again, half a granola bar (that explains the ants) and a myriad of other unusable odds and ends.
But you know what I found a BUNCH of? T-Shirts. Seems that every event I go to or participate in has t-shirts. And most of them would fit a much larger person than me. While we love to do t-shirts (of all sizes) we’d love for you to consider other giveaways as well.
One thing you might consider are one of the many different types of bags and totes we have available. Small duffles are great for the gym or to stick extra shoes in to take to the office. We have smaller totes that are perfect for your lunch and a book, and we have other types of bags that would be good for papers, file folders and notebooks. We have a bag for EVERY thing!
You can’t really wear a shirt every day (eww!), but you can use a bag every day! Bags are rarely thrown into “The Closet”. And if bags aren’t your bag, then just call us at 866-943-4377…we’re Exceptional Specialty Products and we’ll show you all kinds of ideas!
ESP….We Know What You Want!!